CreateSpatialAnchor(Vector3, Quaternion, Action<YVRSpatialAnchorResult, bool>)
Creates a spatial anchor using the provided position and rotation.
EraseSpatialAnchor(ulong, YVRSpatialAnchorStorageLocation, Action<YVRSpatialAnchorResult, bool>)
Erases a spatial anchor from the specified storage location.
GetSpatialAnchorComponentStatus(ulong, YVRSpatialAnchorComponentType, out YVRSpatialAnchorComponentStatus)
Retrieves the status of a specific component for a spatial anchor identified by the given handle.
GetSpatialAnchorEnumerateSupported(ulong, out YVRSpatialAnchorSupportedComponent)
Retrieves the supported components of a spatial anchor identified by the given handle.
GetSpatialAnchorPose(ulong, out Vector3, out Quaternion, out YVRAnchorLocationFlags)
Retrieves the pose of a spatial anchor identified by the given handle.
GetSpatialAnchorUUIDForHandle(ulong, out YVRSpatialAnchorUUID)
Retrieves the UUID for a spatial anchor identified by the given handle.
Checks if the orientation is tracked based on the specified location flags.
Checks if the orientation is valid based on the specified location flags.
Checks if the position is valid based on the specified location flags.
QuerySpatialAnchor(YVRSpatialAnchorQueryInfo, Action<List<YVRSpatialAnchorResult>>)
Queries spatial anchors based on the provided query information.
SaveSpatialAnchor(YVRSpatialAnchorSaveInfo, Action<YVRSpatialAnchorSaveCompleteInfo, bool>)
Saves a spatial anchor using the provided save information.
SaveSpatialAnchorList(List<ulong>, YVRSpatialAnchorStorageLocation, Action<bool>)
Saves a list of spatial anchors to the specified storage location.
SaveToCloudThenShare(YVRSpatialAnchorShareInfo, Action<bool>)
Saves the spatial anchor list to the cloud and then shares it with specified users.
SetSpatialAnchorComponentStatus(ulong, YVRSpatialAnchorComponentStatusSetInfo, Action<YVRSpatialAnchorSetStatusCompleteInfo, bool>)
Sets the status of a component for a specific spatial anchor.
ShareSpatialAnchor(YVRSpatialAnchorShareInfo, Action<bool>)
Shares a spatial anchor with specified users.